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Category: News

Successful realization of a five-day ‘Public Sector Innovation’ Training programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Successful realization of a five-day ‘Public Sector Innovation’ Training programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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As part of the UNDP BiH project “Digital Transformation in the Public Sector” financed by the British Embassy Sarajevo and UKaid, the SmartUp team in partnership with Korimako from Slovenia and Dark Matter Labs from UK were engaged to design and deliver a pilot Public
Challenges and opportunities for sustainable development of the national parks in the Republic of North Macedonia – Workshop

Challenges and opportunities for sustainable development of the national parks in the Republic of North Macedonia – Workshop

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On 15th and 16th of March, in the scope the project ‘Digitalization of Governance as Tool for Rejuvenating Democracy’, The Macedonian Chevening Alumni Association (MCAA) organized a workshop - ‘Challenges and opportunities for sustainable development of the national parks in Republic of North Macedonia’ –
Работилница на тема Циркуларна економија во С. Македонија

Работилница на тема Циркуларна економија во С. Македонија

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  Во вторник одржавме работилница на тема „Циркуларна економија во Северна Македонија“, на која се презентираа наодите од мапирањето на системот на зелена и циркуларна економија во земјата и се дискутираа предизвиците и можностите кои постојат за нејзин развој. Тимот на СмартАп во склоп на
Future Cities SEE: Future Skopje is designing a Local Government Impact/Green Investment model

Future Cities SEE: Future Skopje is designing a Local Government Impact/Green Investment model

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In order to help municipalities manage their resources better, within the initiative for urban transformation — Future Skopje, we began a process of designing a Local Government Impact/Green Investment model. By developing this model, we aim to raise interest in the implementation of positive changes