New initiatives for educators: #SafeCyberEDU
As an innovation lab, we are always on the lookout for new opportunities
We’re crazy about innovations and improving life with technology. We pour our skills and passion to solve emerging societal challenges. Innovations for social good
By applying custom design processes and adapting methods we drive systematic change to address the existing and emerging societal challenges in order to create a thriving environment for uninterrupted human prosperity.
Level up your skills and knowledge at your own pace with EduLab’s on-demand courses and explore a library of educational resources including articles and guides – all designed to fuel your personal and professional development.
In the past couple of years, SmartUp has been actively working on designing and implementing initiatives aimed at supporting the systemic development of Skopje. In this context, it was apparent that there exists a need to find new ways of generating additional finances with the aim of implementing these complex, system-level solutions and projects, whose financing needs exceed the resources municipalities and the City of Skopje have at their disposal.
Partnering with the civil sector and government agencies to research, design, and test new ideas.
We see problems as opportunities and we believe that Individuals and communities are the best agents of sustainable development.
We conduct ethnographic research in workplaces, homes, and communities so we can understand first-hand people’s lives and needs.
We prototype and test improved policies and services with community members, policymakers, and front-line staff.
We aims to make the most of technology to advance human development by encouraging innovative solutions.
We help run and evaluate low-cost pilots so that new services and policies can be scaled up with confidence.
As an innovation lab, we are always on the lookout for new opportunities
Following up on the impact we made last year through the public sector innovation
Starting back in 2019, we had a mission to make Skopje a better
Starting back in 2017, we had a vision that evolved into a mission:
How can Bosnia and Herzegovina’s public sector employees shape the future of public
As a social innovation lab, we always have the indescribable need to create
СмартАП – Лабораторија за социјални иновации Скопје е невладина организација која работи на адресирање и…
Contracting Organization: SmartUp – Social Innovation Lab Project: Policy Pilots for the National Development Strategy…
Contracting Organization: SmartUp – Social Innovation Lab Project: Policy Pilots for the National Development Strategy…
Contracting Organization: SmartUp – Social Innovation Lab Project: Policy Pilots for the National Development Strategy…
Contracting Organization: SmartUp – Social Innovation Lab Project: Policy Pilots for the National Development Strategy…
СмартАП – Лабораторија за социјални иновации во партнерство со Коалиција на младински организации СЕГА, Македонскиот Центар…