#Inno4Edu 18 Day Education Camp
The 18 day education camp was designed and built upon the foundation laid by the #EducationHackathon organised by SmartUp and UNICEF, within the conference “Quality education for growth, results and a better future”.
This new, larger programme was tailor designed and invited multidisciplinary teams to train in the methodology of design thinking by developing MVP (minimum viable product) solutions for education.

There were 3 challenges that the teams were working on at the EduCamp:
(note: all of these challenges were based on the developed early-prototype solutions on the previous hackathon, so that those solutions can be further advanced)
Online library for educational games
Future inclusive classroom
What tools and methods should teachers use to advance the development of the character and values of students through regular/formal education classes?
How can we introduce game based learning into preschool programs?
Editing a future inclusive classroom based on the principles of universal design that promotes belonging and cooperation
Main objectives of the 18-day Edu-camp
Teach design thinking methodology and human centered design principles; having in mind the initial prototypes developed on the Educational Hackathon
Empower active community members to be able to fully replicate the model of designing for any identified community issue, with strong emphasis on education
Enable co-creation with a multidisciplinary approach; effectively engaging different sectors and stakeholders and thus increasing future probability of success of the developed MVP’s
Develop MVP solutions for the three designated challenges through a hands-on learning & building approach
Allow participants – students, teachers, education specialists to directly develop solutions; enforce the bottom - up design principle
Introduce novel ways that different stakeholders can contribute in developing education solutions

The program was structured around weekends and workday team work, with strong emphasis on hands on learning via the design thinking and human centered design methodology. In total the programme lasted 2 months, with developed 5 MVP solutions that were up and running and used as basis for testing within the #Inno4Edu 2.0 project (UX/UI elements etc.) and whose materials are to be used for the future web-platform.
These solutions were the result of the work of multiple technical assistants, mentors, educators and students. In its scope, the initiative covered several project phases.
The final presentation took place on the 22nd of June, 2018, organized with support from YCC (MKC – Youth Cultural Center) and with 154 visitors. The goal of the event was to showcase the process used within the #Inno4Edu project, to highlight the progress and strides participants have made throughout the program, to potentially glimpse at the future with ideas of how the project can evolve and continue, ensuring proper implementation of the developed MVP’s.
The event invited key partners and stakeholders, including representatives from the Fund for Innovation and Technological Development, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Ministry of Education and Science, representatives from NGOs, international organizations, government, education specialists, teachers, students etc.