Welcome to the second edition of Creative Business Cup N.Macedonia 2022!
Startups with great expectations for their own product or services, innovative and creative and ready to show the whole world, can apply annually for the Creative Business Cup, the biggest global competition for startups. We were honored to deliver the 2022 competition in the Republic of N. Macedonia.
With local entries in more than 70 countries, Creative Business Cup is the biggest competition for innovative and creative startups across the globe. This startup competition is an opportunity to learn, develop and expand your business through upskilling activities, worldwide connections and networking.
From all applications received, 10 startups will be shortlisted and enrolled in the Creative Business Cup programme North Macedonia where we provide expert advisory meetings and pitch training to get everyone ready to deliver their very best on the day.
Why stratups participate?
(flip box – move your mouse over the box for more info)
Pitch your business in front of industry experts
10 selected creative and innovative startups from N. Macedonia pitched their business in front of high-profile industry experts, domestic and international, during the May competition.
Get exposure
Get exposure
We will be streaming the competition online so you will have a chance to pitch and showcase your product/service to a wider audience.
Meet & greet
Meet & greet
Meet other startups and SMEs from the sector, extend your professional network, find partners, collaborators and supporters.
The winner of Creative Business Cup North Macedonia 2022
Gained access to the Creative Business Cup Academy that happened in June, a unique and intense upskilling opportunity for creative startups from all over the world
Represented North Macedonia in the live-streamed Creative Business Cup Global Finals 2022, 27-28 of June in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Being a national representative will give you the chance to:
Compete for substantial financial rewards
Get the opportunity to present
your business idea to an international
jury and the world
Attract international investments
and an international audience
Form a network with entrepreneurs,
investors, experts and mentors
from 80+ countries
Get inspired to think in new and different ways
Enjoy the beautiful Copenhagen
All three winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd place) will get a chance to present their solution during the November Fair on cultural and creative industries in North Macedonia organized by the Balkan Cinema Cities Regional Fund, a member of Union of Macedonian Professional Associations in the Creative Industries (UMPACI).
Additional prizes sponsored by collaborators and partners TBA.
The finalists were decided in May and they participated at the Creative Business Cup North Macedonia that took place in Skopje on the 27 of May.
We are pleased to announce that the national representatives for the ‘Creative Business Cup Global finals 2022’ in Copenhagen, Denmark have been selected.
For full report of the Macedonian event, please click the button below.
Meet the jury

Igor Madjov
Startup and Ecosystem Builder

Ezheni Brzovska
Professional marketing education

Amir Esmaeilakhtar
E-business and Startup coaching

Krsto Zlatkov
Strategic Development and planning
Previous winners of CBC North Macedonia
2nd place
InRoomPreview with their visualization app to help the potential customers with buying an artwork
Check moreThe Global Creative Business Cup
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