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SmartUp Launches Innovative Policy Pilot Development Project in North Macedonia

SmartUp – Social Innovation Lab is excited to announce the launch of our new project, “Operationalizing the NDS: Policy Pilots for Sustainable Development and Social Inclusion.” This initiative will develop innovative policy pilots aimed at improving the social and economic inclusion of displaced people and migrants in North Macedonia. By focusing on real-world challenges, the project seeks to create actionable and impactful solutions that align with the National Development Strategy (NDS) 2024-2042 and our mission to foster a socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable society.

Project Overview:

In early 2021, the Government of North Macedonia embarked on a journey to develop the NDS with the support of the British Embassy in Skopje, UNDP, and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Slovakia. The NDS is designed to outline a 20-year development path through an inclusive, participatory approach that builds consensus among diverse societal stakeholders. This comprehensive strategy reflects the aspirations of the entire nation and aims to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

SmartUp’s new project will explore ways to operationalize the NDS by focusing on three main components:

  1. Governance Innovation:
    By integrating innovative governance practices, we aim to enhance the effectiveness of policy development and implementation, ensuring that policies are created in a participatory manner, responsive to the needs of the people and aligned with strategic national goals.
  2. Policy Pilot Development:
    The Working Committee of the NDS, which brings together state administration, civil society, the business community, and public institutions, operating through a quadruple helix model, will participate in the development of policy pilots focused on the social and economic inclusion of displaced people, in line with the NDS, and more specifically the Strategic Area “Rule of Law and Good Governance”, Goal 5 – Effective protection of basic human freedoms and rights and protection of communities, Priority 3 – Protection of non-majority communities, impoverished people, migrants and refugees. This collaborative approach will involve three workshops, engaging 30 to 40 experts in co-creating policy pilots. The workshops will focus on defining challenges, mapping stakeholders, creating personas, brainstorming ideas, and developing and refining the policy pilots, ultimately demonstrating how this process can be applied to all strategic goals outlined in the NDS.
  3. Foresight Unit Research:
    We are conducting preliminary research to establish this unit within the Republic of North Macedonia, aiming to anticipate and prepare for future challenges and opportunities to enhance the country’s resilience and adaptability. Additionally, the research will identify suitable government departments for integration and involve consultations with local and international experts.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Foresight Unit Blueprint: An initial report on the potential for establishing a foresight unit, including the current landscape, integration points within the government, and best practices.
  • Multiple Policy Pilots: Focused on the integration of migrants and refugees, developed through a co-creative process.These pilots will serve as a model for implementing the process across all strategic goals of the NDS.


This project is implemented in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in North Macedonia (UNHCR) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Join Us in Shaping the Future:

SmartUp is committed to driving social innovation and fostering a sustainable future for North Macedonia. We invite all stakeholders, partners, and community members to join us in this transformative journey. Stay tuned for updates on our progress and upcoming workshops.

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